Hold Alt key while dragging the margins on the ruler to display margin measurements in a ScreenTip. Content from Microsoft Office Word 2010 Lesson Plans provided by Microsoft. To change the margin, drag the double-headed arrow First Line Indent Hanging Indent Indicates a left tab Indicates indents Left indent Right indent Items on Horizontal Ruler Explained Word Lesson 4 presentation prepared by Kathy Clark (Southside H.S. Read ScreenTip before dragging anything on the Ruler. To change margins move the double-headed arrow on Vertical & Horizontal Rulers Page Margins Mouse pointers appear as double-headed arrows when positioned over margin on ruler.ġ0 Adjust top and bottom margins by dragging on the vertical ruler.Īdjust margins by clicking on Page Layout and clicking on Margins Adjust left and right margins by dragging on the horizontal ruler. Note: Can change margins for whole document or section. Word 2016 Defaults at one inch (1”) for Top, Bottom Left, & Right MarginsĨ Click either the Margins drop-down menu or the Page Layout Launcher to see the Page Setup dialog box. Page Margins Appears as a double-headed arrow when positioned over margin on Ruler. Not only can you read the definitions, you can hear the pronunciation.Ħ Adjust top and bottom margins by dragging on the vertical ruler.Īdjust margins by clicking on Page Layout and clicking on Margins Adjust left and right margins by dragging on the horizontal ruler. Can’t edit document.ĥ Great online resource. Print Preview Can only view how document will look printed. Print layout view shows the document as it would be printed as well as allow editing changes to be made to the document. Switch between different views in a document Adjust page margins settings Set paragraph alignment, indentation, and spacing Change tab settings Add page numbers to a document Create headers and footers Change page orientationģ Document Views Tab Read Mode Print Layout Web Layout Outline Draft The user can enter text in the document body, but it will stop before the text box, which simulates a right margin on the first page.Presentation on theme: "Microsoft Word 2016 Lesson 4 Prepared 2/13/11."- Presentation transcript:ġ Microsoft Word 2016 Lesson 4 Prepared 2/13/11Ģ Lesson 4 Learning Objectives At the completion of this lesson, students should understand how to: If you put it into the first page header, it will appear only on the first page, and will appear "in the background" of the page. Unfortunately, users can then touch the text box easily in a mouse action, and move it to another position. Of course you can insert the text box also into the document body to have that effect. Setup the property for "Text Wrapping" = Square, so that text cannot overlap the box. I've used the following approach with some success:Ĭreate a text box in the first page header which is sufficiently big to occupy the space needed. Using a section break is not possible due to the fact that it moves while the user inserts text. So on the first page the right margin should be 6 cm, while on all following pages it should be 2,5 cm. a list of partner names or business information. In my practice, I find often letterheads with graphical elements in a right margin of the first page up to a certain heigth, e.g. Letterhead layouts and Word can be really difficult and tricky if you need other values only on the first page.

As such, if this is a possibility, code will need to be written to detect the Manual Page Break and delete it after the Next Page Section Break has been inserted. However, if the documents contain a Manual Page Break between pages one and two, inserting the Next Page Section Break will create a blank second page.

If the documents you are reformatting via the macro have automatic page breaks, inserting the Next Page Section Break at the end of the first page will cause Word to delete its Automatic Page Break (using the Next Page Section Break to keep the pages separate) and any margin changes you make to the first page will not carry over to the following pages. Automatic page breaks get created when text no longer fits on a page and Word automatically generates a new page. Word has two different types of page breaks: Automatic and Manual. One way it can be created is like this: Selection.InsertBreak Type:=wdSectionBreakNextPage A Next Page Section Break, which has the properties of both a section break and a page break, will allow one set of margins for the first page and another set of margins for all pages following it. A Continuous Section Break is used to allow multiple sets of margins within the same page.